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Project: You vs You

Project: You vs You

Welcome to Project: You vs. You! It started as a joke when I said “project be less fat” one day on top of Pinnacle Mountain here in Little Rock (Here’s the IG post ). As I thought about it more, the “be less fat” descriptor was a bit short sighted. Whether it’s losing weight, gaining discipline, just generally being better at life, our biggest obstacle can be getting out of our own way. You vs. You.

So, here’s a little history In early 2012 I was a big feller, topping out at about 305.

Then I lucked into CrossFit which led me to the really fun stuff, Olympic Weightlifting, Powerlifting and Strongman. I got down to about 225 and was really tearing it up. I began coaching Crossfit as well as the strength sports I had come to love.

March 2013

For about 4 years things were grooving. I was getting stronger, feeling great and getting after it on the daily, if not twice daily. Then, after a few moves, some halfway across the country, the needle started slipping back towards 2012 me. So…. it’s time to start swinging that needle back the other way.

This is the impetus for Project Be Less Fat. Embarking on this initiative as my own coach and having to choke down my ego all the tips and advice I’ve been doling out for the last 5 years will not be easy but it will be on display.

Just as I approach any big project, these are the steps:

  1. Assess the damage, goals and understand what needs to be done
  2. Break it up into manageable, incremental tasks with measurable milestones
  3. F***ing get after it

While the overarching goal is for this big fella to drop some unwanted yuck of my frame, I am hoping that I can inspire, help or guide some other folks along the way. During my 2012 metamorphosis I was lucky enough to help some folks make positive changes and I am hoping this initiative brings the same opportunity.

Follow along on Instagram ( @projectyouvsyou ) or twitter ( @projectyouvsyou ). I’ll be posting workouts, recipes, cooking tips, training stuff. If you’re grinding too and want to be part of the fun, tag @projectyouvsyou or hashtag it! Time to get after it.

Check out our latest videos from our YouTube Channel: