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BoW: The War of Art by Steven Pressfield

Posted in Book Reviews

This week’s highlighted book is The War of Art: Break Through the Blocks and Win Your Inner Creative Battles by Stephen Pressfield.

Amazon: The War of Art: Break Through the Blocks and Win Your Inner Creative Battles

I was initially pointed towards this book in an Instagram post from one of my favorite authors, Lisbeth Darsh (IG: @lisbethdarsh ). I jotted down the title and picked it up on Amazon a few weeks later. I had been stuck in a creative rut for a few months and needed a jolt. The title alone was enough reason for me to give this book a go, and I was extremely happy that I did.

Without disseminating too much of the book’s secret sauce, Pressfield conjures Resistance, an antagonist of sloth and inaction and, in great detail, outlines how to kick Resistance in the tenders and “turn pro”. You’ll have to read the book to find out what that means.

Like I said, I was in a creative rut, but this book turned out to be much more than a cure for that. I have begun to apply the book’s principles to other facets of my life and they are definitely better for it.

If any part of your life involves creation, creativity, creative thought, or just a need to show up and do the work every day, give this book a read. You won’t be sorry. Let me know what you think.

If you plan on picking up a copy, consider using the Amazon link above, I’d sure appreciate it!